Tuesday, October 02, 2007


First Meeting (Group) : skipped
Second Meeting (Group) : Week 8 - 09.09.07- individual - Section 0196
Last Meeting (Group) : TBA

First Critique : October 9th (0196
Semester Proposal (drafts) due: (October 9th Draft)
Post to Blog topic - see below + invitation via email ( if you didn't send me an email recently and have not received the invitation to the blog - http://www.basearts.com/DigPhoREPEAT/ do so...

Individual Portfolio Development / Critique Dates are simultaneous with class critique.

Week 7 - Section 0197
Week 8 Section 0196
Midterm Critique, Midterm Interview and portfolio proposal draft: 09.08.07


Blogger The Traveler said...

This post has been removed by the author.

10:07 PM  
Blogger The Traveler said...

I take that back. The picture posted and the two comments. It just didn't post anything saying the comments or pictures posted. Oh well live and learn

2:11 PM  

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