Welcome to Digital Arts 2014-15
Dear Parents and Students,
Hello and welcome (and/or welcome back) to ArtQuest Digital Arts and the 2014-15 School Year! This will be the location of the syllabus and schedule throughout the 2014-15 school yearl. Please review this document and the AQ Digital Arts Guidelines and Forms document provided via the link below:
Please print, sign and return the Walking Field Trip Permission Form and the Information Sheet Statement by Friday August 29th.
Students will receive credit for the return of these documents.
ArtQuest @ 20! Is This Year’s AQ Theme
AQ began two decades ago with 60 students and just two Arts Specialties - Visual Fine Arts and Multimedia (now divided into Digital Arts and Video Arts) but now has about 540 students and eight different Arts Specialties, four in Visual and four in the Performing Arts. To celebrate being a ripe old 20 years old, this year’s AQ focus will be on the last 20 years of the program’s interdisciplinary themes, reflecting back and also reinterpreting them in a contemporary context. AQ uses a theme each year to connect the various arts and core-related classes and to create an overarching artistic dialogue throughout the program about various topics and ideas, some relevant to a particular time or context, some focused on a specific performing or visual art work, some humorously thoughtful about the human condition, and some a serious investigation of political or social issues. Interpreted in a wide array by teachers and students, and the projects, events, other activities and outcomes generated have been delightfully surprising. Past AQ themes have been: The Other (94-95), The Coexistence of Order & Chaos (95-96), No Theme ? (aka It’s a Mystery!) (96-97), What is Real? Is it Real? (97-98), The War Requiem Project (98-99), The Passage (99-00), World with a View (Bring a Map) (00-01), Child of Our Time (01-02), Revision (02-03), Collective Invention (03-04), Beauty and the Beast (04-05), Atticus (05-06), Patriot Acts (06-07), Where the Wild Things Are (07-08), PROject eARTh (08-09), Rebel With a Cause (09-10), And Now for Something Completely Different! (10-11), We’re Not in Kansas Anymore (11-12), Renaissance (12-13), Toward a More Perfect Union (13-14), and of course, this year is ArtQuest@20 (14-15).
As a public school, we are not allowed to require any type of lab fee, but as a materials based program, student lab contributions offset part of the expense for the ArtQuest Digital Arts classes. The lab contributions are for the FULL year, which allows us to do the time-consuming bookkeeping only once, to purchase supplies in bulk and plan our curriculum and materials in advance. We are a projects based program and access to resources generally not available in high school art programs is one of the things that makes ArtQuest unique, gives the message to our students that we truly value their work and provides them with high enough quality materials to support their efforts and to encourage success. While we are sure that everyone is aware of the state of the economy right now, it is always surprising that education gets hit as hard as it does every time there are budget issues. It is of less surprise that the arts get hit hardest. While we recognize the benefits of arts in education, we are the minority. Lab contributions are particularly important now because ArtQuest has taken significant budget cuts over the past few years. We do continue to seek out a variety of sources of funding, including new grants, community and business support and donations. Major field trips usually involve an additional fee, based on the actual costs of admission and transportation.
Please consider contributing to your student’s lab costs. We would appreciate it no later than Friday August 29th, given directly to your student’s teacher. Cash or Checks accepted (Checks should be made out to: “ArtQuest at Santa Rosa High School”). If you have financial need for a full or partial scholarship, payment plan or a time extension, parents/guardians should contact their student’s teacher directly as soon as possible, or before August 31, to make arrangements at 528-5070 (Voice Mail Box Extensions: Jonn Sappington extension 6773).
All Levels (Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced)- $125.00 per student for the FULL year. Each student will receive a sketchbook, flash drive, digital printing materials and drawing materials. Other supplies will be made available to students depending on individual class projects. Students will also need to purchase some of their own supplies and find a book bag or backpack to keep their supplies in; they will need them everyday in class. Additional detailed information and additional materials requirements may be forthcoming in individual Class Project Packets as necessary.
Please sign and return the Walking Field Trip Permission Form - http://www.basearts.com/artquest/forms/walkingfieldtrip.pdf . to us no later than Friday August 29th. While some of you may recall signing a similar form, we request that you sign again and return the form for our classroom records. Remember that this form is only for walking field trips; any that involve transportation will have their own, trip-specific permission required.
“FRIENDS OF ARTQUEST” A nonprofit organization of parents, community members and teachers dedicated to supporting the ArtQuest program and the arts in education, Friends of ArtQuest is actively involved in fundraising, helping with all ArtQuest events, exhibits and performances, doing publicity and public relations, chaperoning field trips, and doing a myriad of things that support and advance the program. Please support your student by becoming a member of this important, effective organization. The first parent meeting will be on Monday, August 29th at 6:00 pm in Room 21, the Arts Office. For more information please contact the “Friends of ArtQuest Hotline” at (707) 528-5070, x 6787.
We cannot emphasize the value of this program enough! One of the easiest ways “Friends of ArtQuest” raises funds for ArtQuest is through the “eScrip” program. This is a painless (and free to you) way to contribute directly to your student’s specialty; eScrip donates a percent of your purchases at participating merchants, which is then routed to the ArtQuest Digital Arts Specialty, if you specify it. There is no sign-up fee and we ask you to PLEASE go online to their website and fill out the form. It is possible to divide your eScrip contribution if you have children in multiple specialties. Also, if you have friends or relatives who would like to support your student’s participation in the ArtQuest program, please have them sign up, too! They are a safe and secure site, and if you have signed up before, you need to update your account annually, so go to http://www.escrip.com/ to sign up and support Friends of ArtQuest and the Digital Arts program! Again, Important ALERT! Even if you have registered in the past we need a new form each year as merchants often change policies and require updated registration. Safeway requires an annual reenrollment.
Parents, I look forward to meeting you all and thank you for your support of your student and the arts in education. Students, I am honored and excited to be working with you as you embark on your careers in the arts. I anticipate a very creative and productive year.
PLEASE DON’T FORGET to return the attached form and Lab Contributions by Friday August 29th.
Thanks again!
John Sappington
Digital Arts,
ArtQuest Phone: 528-5070 x 6773
Mobile: 707-332-0987
jsappington@srcs.k12.ca.us * Preferred
john@basearts.com * Alternate
Art Portfolio:
Complete CV 2013
Beginning AQ Digital Arts Syllabus
Beginning Digital Arts
Syllabus (this document): http://www.basearts.com/artquest/index.htm
Submitted: AQDABeginning2014.15.pdf
Digital Arts Program Outline: http://www.basearts.com/artquest/DigitalArtsOutline.htm
Digital Arts offers a strong foundation in the visual language of art while focusing on computer skills, various painting/drawing/image manipulation software programs, color, composition, 2-D and 3-D animation. Explorations in lighting, viewpoint, texture, surfaces, modeling and symbolism are all used as ways to create powerful and meaningful works of art, as students are challenged to build on technical skills and to explore personal artistic possibilities. Sketchbook/Journal entries and participation in personal and group critiques, field trips to local art exhibitions are all requirements. Students work independently as well as within small groups, practicing the creative problem-solving skills and collaboration needed in the professional world of one of the fastest growing fields in the arts and computer industry. Risk-taking, discipline, dedication to excellence and high-level achievement are all key elements in the Digital Arts Specialty.
Assessment Policy:
Each week students are assessed for participation and awareness of the course content via sketchbook submissions. The sketchbook assessments are pass / fail assessments and represent a tangible response to classroom discussions, weekly research projects and art making assignments.
The primary objective of all course work is the development of aesthetic experience and knowledge and the advancement of individual resourcefulness. All art assignments/coursework lead cummulatively to the development of an artists portfolio, suitable for submission to a college level program in Digital Arts and related Media Studies.
Additionally, there are longer term weekly class room art making projects. You will be given a set of technical and aesthetics requirements for each production assignment and a time frame. Each submission will be assessed and time allowing, verbally critiqued. Assignments may be submitted up to 1 week late for a reduced grade.
Attendance and tardiness are factors in final grades for each semester. 3 unexcused absences are equal to a full grade reduction. 6 or more unexcused tardies will also result in a full grade reduction.
There is a yearly portfolio submission. Student porfolios are cumulative assessments of the students output and abilities. This is due generally 2 weeks prior to the end of the yearly term. Student portfolios are graded for completeness, commitment and ability.