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Quick Links

Tutorials for beginners

Write your first computer program

Learn the basic concepts of Computer Science with drag and drop programming. This is a game-like, self-directed tutorial starring video lectures by Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Angry Birds and Plants vs. Zombies. Learn repeat-loops, conditionals, and basic algorithms. Available in 20 languages

Ages 6-106 | Modern browsers, smartphones, tablets
2,943,668 participants

Create a holiday card


With Scratch, you can code your own interactive games, stories, animations, and more. In this activity, you'll create an interactive holiday card that you can share with friends and family.

Ages 8+ | Any browser
416,586 participants

Build your own game


A collection of 8 fun activities for children of all ages to try programming. Solve a series of simple puzzles to help Pixel the puppy reach home, and Biff the spaceman reach his moon base. Build the Space Zombies game or create Math Art using our fun and easy visual approach to programming. The session can be teacher facilitated or self-paced.

Ages 5-13 | Modern web browsers
1,095,312 participants



Learn core programming logic, starting from super-basic programming, for ages 4+, on iOS or Android (or Web browser) . Learn how to sequence commands, identify patterns, use procedures, and utilize loops!

All ages | iOS, Android (or web browser)
428,952 participants

AppInventor Hour of Code

MIT Center for Mobile Learning @ The Media Lab

Entertaining, quick video tutorials walk you through building three simple apps for your Android phone or tablet. Designed for novices and experts alike, this hour of code will get you ready to start building your own apps before you know it. Imagine sharing your own app creations with your friends! These activities are suitable for individuals and for teachers leading classes.

Middle school + | Modern browser + Android
103,190 participants

Tutorials that teach JavaScript

An introduction to JavaScript


Learn the basics of JavaScript programming while creating fun drawings with your code. Do it on your own or with your class!

Middle school + | Modern Web browsers
597,694 participants



Codecademy is an interactive, student-guided introduction to the basics of CS through JavaScript that's used by tens of millions of students around the world. We've prepared a no-hassle Hour of Code experience with accompanying quizzes, slides, and a completed project for students at the end.

High school | Modern web browsers. iOS, Android apps
123,071 participants

Learn to Code With Karel the Dog


Learn the basics of programming with Karel the Dog, a fun, accessible and visual introduction to coding, where giving commands to a computer is just like giving commands to a dog. This tutorial is great if led by a teacher, but can also be done independently.

High school | Modern browsers
25,826 participants

Learn to Code a JavaScript Quiz Game

Code Avengers

This self-paced tutorial teaches how to create a quiz game using JavaScript, which can be shared with friends. Along the way, students are rewarded with points, badges and bonus games and compete to reach the top of their class leaderboard.

Middle school + | Modern Web browsers
44,928 participants



Play as a Wizard using code (spells) to control your heroes, navigate mazes, defeat ogres, trick enemies, and rescue allies! Learn JavaScript in this HTML 5 web game for complete beginners.

Middle school + | Web based (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE10+)
61,592 participants

No device or internet? Try 'unplugged' computer science

My Robotic Friends


Using a pre-defined "Robot Vocabulary" students will figure out how to guide each other to accomplish specific tasks without discussing them first. This lesson teaches children the connection between symbols and actions, as well as the invaluable skill of debugging. "My Robotic Friends" works best as a group activity and includes a teacher workbook for classroom use.

All ages | Unplugged
34,433 participants


Google Education

Got PCs with slow (or non-existent) internet access? Download the Blockly tutorials that were the precursor of the tutorials - a single 3MB ZIP file can be loaded onto any computer or used off a memory stick

All ages | Modern browsers only
25,624 participants

Binary Baubles


Students learn about representing and storing letters in binary, as functions of on and off. At the end, the class gets to encode their own initials to take home with them.

Ages 8+ | Unplugged
4,928 participants

fuzzFamily Frenzy


Designed for use with plain paper, the fuzzFamily Frenzy is an introduction to programming logic for kids 5 and up. A teacher should explain the game, then students program a partner to complete a simple obstacle course.

Ages 8-13 | Unplugged
3,776 participants

Tutorial apps for any device



Learn core programming logic, starting from super-basic programming, for ages 4+, on iOS or Android (or Web browser) . Learn how to sequence commands, identify patterns, use procedures, and utilize loops!

All ages | iOS, Android (or web browser)
428,952 participants



Kodable is a self-guided iPad game that introduces kids 5+ to programming basics. Having a teacher or parent nearby is optimal, but not necessary.

Elementary | iPad
16,120 participants

Hopscotch: Code on your iPad


Student-guided tutorial on the iPad using the Hopscotch programming language. Students will build games and apps for their iPad on their iPad. Students can work individually or with friends (up to 3 per iPad).

Middle school + | iPad
8,883 participants

Other programming languages

A taste of Python programming

Grok Learning

Choose from 3 activities designed to give you your first experience programming. For example, use the programming language Python to build a chatbot called "Eliza". Can she fool your friends into think she's a human not a computer? This can be done in either a student-guided or teacher-facilitated form and comes with all notes and solutions.

Middle school + | Modern web browsers
107,444 participants

Drawing with Code


An introduction to programming in the context of the visual arts using the Processing programming language. Short video lessons introduce coding exercises that lead to designing an interactive drawing program

High school | Modern web browsers
37,650 participants

Program a virtual robot

RoboMind Academy

Students learn the basics of programming by controlling their own virtual robot. The online course is fully self-contained with short presentations, movies, quizzes and automatic guidance/hints to help with the programming exercises.

Ages 8-13 | Modern web browsers, Mobile web
15,754 participants

Build an iPhone game in your browser!


Know some programming already? Learn to make an iPhone game in an hour! We'll guide you through the process, to code, test, and play your game entirely in the browser and then share it on Facebook for friends to try! No prior iPhone development experience is required. You must understand what variables, methods, and objects are.

High school | Modern Web browsers
200,750 participants

Make your own apps

Build an iPhone game in your browser!


Know some programming already? Learn to make an iPhone game in an hour! We'll guide you through the process, to code, test, and play your game entirely in the browser and then share it on Facebook for friends to try! No prior iPhone development experience is required. You must understand what variables, methods, and objects are.

High school | Modern Web browsers
200,750 participants

AppInventor Hour of Code

MIT Center for Mobile Learning @ The Media Lab

Entertaining, quick video tutorials walk you through building three simple apps for your Android phone or tablet. Designed for novices and experts alike, this hour of code will get you ready to start building your own apps before you know it. Imagine sharing your own app creations with your friends! These activities are suitable for individuals and for teachers leading classes.

Middle school + | Modern browser + Android
103,190 participants


Microsoft Research

Crazy drawings, flying monsters, swirling flowers… create your apps on your device with TouchDevelop, a friendly mobile app creation environment. Runs on iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows, Windows Phone, Linux, Mac.

High school | Modern browsers, smartphones, all devices
59,108 participants

Other learning options

Build your own game


A collection of 8 fun activities for children of all ages to try programming. Solve a series of simple puzzles to help Pixel the puppy reach home, and Biff the spaceman reach his moon base. Build the Space Zombies game or create Math Art using our fun and easy visual approach to programming. The session can be teacher facilitated or self-paced.

Ages 5-13 | Modern web browsers
1,095,312 participants


Microsoft Research

Crazy drawings, flying monsters, swirling flowers… create your apps on your device with TouchDevelop, a friendly mobile app creation environment. Runs on iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows, Windows Phone, Linux, Mac.

High school | Modern browsers, smartphones, all devices
59,108 participants

Make a 3D Frogger game in an hour.

University of Colorado

Imagine a tool that allows you to turn 2D images into 3D shapes. Use AgentCubes online, the world's first 3D web-based programming & modeling tool, to learn to program by creating and sharing exciting 3D games. Rule your world!

Middle school + | Modern browsers
107,700 participants

Intro to Programming with Alice 2

Alice Project

Students will set up a scene and create a simple animation with minimal teacher facilitation using 3D objects and and drag-and-drop interface in an engaging and supportive coding environment. [NOTE: Desktop app install required]

Middle school + | Windows or Mac (install required)
5,440 participants

Everyone can Code with LiveCode


Everyone can Code with LiveCode contains 6 video lessons including an introduction to The LiveCode environment. It will show you how to make the popular "Sheepherder" game featured on YouTube. Watch each short video and follow along using the step by step written documentation. All the game code is available for you to copy and paste, with clear explanations of how and why it works. You will be provided with necessary images and samples for download. [NOTE: DESKTOP INSTALL REQUIRED]

High school | Windows or Mac (install required)
3,871 participants

Looking Glass

Washington University Computer Science

In this activity, students will be introduced to programming by building an animated story. It introduces computational thinking and showcases the creativity inherent in computing. Furthermore, it incorporates remix actions (animations by other Looking Glass users) highlights the kind of code-reuse that commonly occurs among programmers at all levels, from hobbyist to professional. This is a student-guided activity. [NOTE: Desktop app install required]

Middle school + | Desktop or Game Console
4,528 participants
Teacher’s Notes

We received dozens of tutorial submissions very recently so we haven’t sorted through them all yet. If yours was submitted but is not listed yet, please don’t contact us. Our tutorial guidelines and submission form are listed here. In that document you can also see the guidelines we've used for which tutorials to highlight.

Quick Tips for Educators:

Prep for the Hour of Code:

Choose a tutorial for your students

  • Check out the tutorials and pick one for your class. Note: more international/multilingual support is on its way.
  • Go through the tutorial yourself so you can help students during the Hour of Code.
  • Test tutorials on student computers or devices. Make sure they work properly (with sound and video).
  • Preview the congrats page to see what students will see when they finish.
  • If the tutorial you choose works best with sound, provide headphones for your class, or ask students to bring their own.

Plan ahead based on your technology available

  • Don't have enough devices? Use pair programming. When students partner up, they help each other and rely less on the teacher. They’ll also see that computer science is social and collaborative.
  • Have low bandwidth? Plan to show videos at the front of the class, so each student isn't downloading their own videos.

During Computer Science Education Week (Dec. 9-15)

Inspire your students - show them a video

We'll have an Hour of Code video by CSEdWeek. For now, check out these videos, featuring Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Black Eyed Peas founder and NBA star Chris Bosh talking about the importance of programming. (There are 1 minute5 minute, and 9 minuteversions)

Get your students excited - give them a short intro

Most kids don’t know what computer science is. Here are some ideas:

  • Explain it in a simple way that includes examples of applications that both boys and girls will care about (saving lives, helping people, connecting people, etc.).
  • Try: "Think about things in your everyday life that use computer science: a cell phone, a microwave, a computer, a traffic light… all of these things needed a computer scientist to help build them.”
  • Or: “Computer science is the art of blending human ideas and digital tools to increase our power. Computer scientists work in so many different areas: writing apps for phones, curing diseases, creating animated movies, working on social media, building robots that explore other planets and so much more."

Start your Hour of Code

Direct students to the activity

When your students come across difficulties

  • Tell students, “Ask 3 then me.” Ask 3 classmates, and if they don’t have the answer, then ask the teacher.
  • Encourage students and offer positive reinforcement: “You’re doing great, so keep trying.”
  • It’s okay to respond to respond: “I don’t know. Let’s figure this out together.” If you can’t figure out a problem, use it as a good learning lesson for the class: “Technology doesn’t always work out the way we want. Together, we’re a community of learners.” And: “Learning to program is like learning a new language; you won’t be fluent right away.“
  • Check the Hour of Code forum to ask questions and see FAQs.

What to do if a student finishes early?

  • Students can see all tutorials and try another Hour of Code activity at
  • Or, ask students who finish early to help classmates who are having trouble with the activity.

The Hour of Code is just the first step on a journey to learn more about how technology works and how to create software applications. To continue this journey, find additional resources for educators here.