Art 18.1 The Dynamic Image - Introduction to Artistic Practice in the Digital Age

Instructor: John Sappington,

Monday 9-12 and Wednesday 10-12 plus one hour per week online.



Course Syllabus


This class is an art studio class with an "online" component. In addition to the "hands on" production of digital imagery/presentations, we will explore the theoretical impact of technology on fine art, graphic design, and artistic practice in general. We will be working primarily in Corel Painter and HTML, however, other applications such as Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Dreamweaver will be discussed and potentially utilized.

As a full syllabus of this class is not available please refer to the previous 18.1 as a guide to expectations, requirements and class projects.

Objective :

The primary objective of this course is the production of a graphics portfolio in both hard copy (print) and web based compliment.

Sample Reading List:



The Digital Dialectic: New Essays on New Media, Peter Lunenfeld, The MIT Press, 1999
Snap to Grid: A User's Guide to Digital Arts, Media, and Cultures, Peter Lunenfeld, The MIT Press, 2000




Adobe Photoshop 7.0 : Classroom in a Book, Adobe Systems Incorporated, 2002
Photoshop 7, Visual Quickstart Guide, Elain Weinmann & Peter Lourekas, Peachpit Press 2003
New Masters of Photoshop. friendsofed, 2001.
Photoshop 7 Professional Photographic Technics. friendsofedu, 2002.

HTML for the World Wide Web, Visual Quickstart Guide, Elizabeth Castro, Peachpit Press 2002


Students are required to obtain backup media to store class example files and work in progress.

Students will also need ink jet quality paper for proof prints and for a final hard copy porfolio. (Recommendations forthcoming, based on campus bookstore inventory.)

Optional media types are:

- 100MB Zip disks
- 250MB Zip disks - This capacity is only supported with the Analy Hall Arts Lab.

- CD ROM, Write-once or Re Writable: Approx. capacity 700+MB 

Students are also required to have an e-mail account.  This can be accessed through the lab and may be a free account like those available from Hotmail, Yahoo, Freemail, Excite, etc.  The instructor will assist students in obtaining an e-mail account if necessary.  Students will be expected to check this e-mail account frequently.  General class announcements will be reported via e-mail.


50% of student grades will be based on class participation.  Students must attend class in order to effectively participate.

50% of student grades will be based on the completion of assigned exercises and completion of final projects. These exercises and final projects will not be graded for skill or content, but will be checked only for completion. 


Students are expected to attend all of every class meeting unless they have received prior permission from the instructor. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class meeting. Anyone absent when attendance is taken will be assumed absent from the class.   If you are late to class it is your responsibility to make sure your attendance is acknowledged by talking to the instructor. 

If you are intending to drop the class, it is your responsibility to drop the class.  You should not assume that the instructor will automatically drop you because of absences.  If you stop attending classes and you do not drop the class, and the instructor has not dropped you from the class; the instructor may be required to give you a grade of F for the class.

Art 18.1
The Dynamic Image - Introduction to Artistic Practice in the Digital Age
(subject to change)


Internet Resources-Links

Week 1

Traditional Imaging / Digital - Discussion

- Image Resolution
- File Types
- Bitmap/ Raster
- Compression
- Color Models
- Layering

Web and Printing production distinctions.

Begin basic functions:
File open, New File, Save, Save As.


Establish or submit web space/ addressing and email information.

If you are a current SRJC student, you're eligible for an account on the server Student. Student offers many Internet services, including access to Internet e-mail, remote login (ssh), file transfer (scp, sftp), Usenet news groups, and the text-based (i.e. no graphics) World Wide Web browser, Lynx. Student does not support dial-in, telnet, or ftp access. You must use an encrypted access method such as SSL or SSH. <--- click here

Collect printed and internet graphics representing interests in digital media.



Student Presentations - Existing work in any media.

Discussion - internet resources
- Technical
- Arts
- Graphic


Notes :
Sites of interest and usefulness.

My collection of web links -
Google Image search -

Painter Web site

Product Page
Resources Page



Reading & Research :

Week 2
Mon.   Assignment:
  Wed.   Assignment:

Notes :



Reading & Research :

Week 3
Mon.   Assignment:
  Wed.   Assignment:

Notes :



Reading & Research :

Week 4
Mon.   Assignment:
  Wed.   Assignment:

Notes :



Reading & Research :

Week 5
Mon.   Assignment:
  Wed.   Assignment:

Notes :



Reading & Research :

Week 6
Mon.   Assignment:
  Wed.   Assignment:

Notes :



Reading & Research :

Week 7
Mon.   Assignment:
  Wed.   Assignment:

Notes :



Reading & Research :

Week 8
Mon.   Assignment:
  Wed.   Assignment:

Notes :



Reading & Research :

Week 9
Mon.   Assignment:
  Wed.   Assignment:

Notes :



Reading & Research :