Video and Lingo

Playing digital video direct-to-Stage

Director can play digital video using a feature called Direct to Stage. Direct to Stage allows QuickTime or AVI drivers installed on the computer to completely control the video playback.

Direct to Stage often provides the best performance from a digital video, but there are two disadvantages to using it:

The digital video always appears in front of all other sprites on the Stage, no matter which channel contains the sprite.

Ink effects do not work, so it is difficult to conceal the video's bounding rectangle with Background Transparent ink.

When Direct to Stage is off, Director layers a digital video on the Stage exactly like other sprites, and Background Transparent ink works normally. (Matte ink does not work for digital videos.)

To set Direct to Stage options:


Select a digital video cast member.


Click the QuickTime or AVI tab in the Property Inspector.


Select or deselect Direct to Stage.


If Direct to Stage is selected, choose a Playback option:

Sync to Soundtrack makes the digital video skip frames (if necessary) to keep up with its soundtrack. The digital video may also take less time to play.

Play Every Frame makes every frame of the digital video appear but does not play the soundtrack, since the video cannot play the soundtrack asynchronously while the video portion plays frame by frame. Depending on the data rate of the digital video, the sprite may play more smoothly with this option selected, but this is not a certainty. In addition, playing every frame may cause the digital video to take more time to play.


(QuickTime only) If Direct to Stage is on, select Show Controller to display a controller bar below the movie to allow the user to start, stop, and step through the movie.