Digital Imaging Process and Technique - Advanced / II
Summer 2003
Location: BFL-207

Class Schedule: Lecture/Lab – Mon.-Thurs  - 1 pm - 2:30 pm

Instructor:  John Sappington -


Course Syllabus

Online Syllabus:
The instructor will be available to assist students in the lab (BFL-207) throughout the day Monday through Thursday. 


This is a course that builds on the introductory concepts of digital imaging. Students will engage in production of digital images suitable for printing and multimedia applications. Emphasis is on composition, practical color theory, and advanced software topics such as the use of masks, paths, and further exploration of layers.

Objective :

The primary objective of this course is the production of a graphics portfolio in both hard copy (print) and web based compliment.


Adobe Photoshop 7.0 : Classroom in a Book, Adobe Systems Incorporated, 2002


Photoshop for Windows & Macintosh; A Visual Quickstart Guide. Weinmann, Elaine and Peter Lourekas, Berkeley, CA, Peachpit Press, 1999.

New Masters of Photoshop. friendsofed, 2001.

Photoshop 7 Professional Photographic Technics. friendsofedu, 2002.


Students are required to obtain backup media to store class example files and work in progress.

Students will also need ink jet quality paper for proof prints and for a final hard copy porfolio. (Recommendations forthcoming, based on campus bookstore inventory.)

Optional media types are:

- 250MB Zip disks

- CD ROM, Write-once or Re Writable: Approx. capacity 700+MB 

- DVD ROM, Write-once or Re Writable: Approx. capacity 2-4 GB.

Students are also required to have an e-mail account.  This can be accessed through the lab and may be a free account like those available from Hotmail, Yahoo, Freemail, Excite, etc.  The instructor will assist students in obtaining an e-mail account if necessary only on the first day of class.  Students will be expected to check this e-mail account at least once a week.  General class announcements will be reported via e-mail.


50% of student grades will be based on class participation.  Students must attend class in order to effectively participate.

50% of student grades will be based on the completion of assigned exercises and completion of final projects. These exercises and final projects will not be graded for skill or content, but will be checked only for completion. 


Students are expected to attend all of every class meeting unless they have received prior permission from the instructor. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class meeting. Anyone absent when attendance is taken will be assumed absent from the class.   If you are late to class it is your responsibility to make sure your attendance is acknowledged by talking to the instructor. 

If you are intending to drop the class, it is your responsibility to drop the class.  You should not assume that the instructor will automatically drop you because of absences.  If you stop attending classes and you do not drop the class, and the instructor has not dropped you from the class; the instructor may be required to give you a grade of F for the class.

(subject to change)



Internet Resources-Links

Week 1
Mon. Technical: Syllabus Overview - Expectations
Best Practices - Automation
Assignment: Using the Photo Web Gallery automation function produce a web presentation of all works to date.


Technical: Layers and Layer Masks: Clipping / Blending Options - Batch Processing Presentations Continue... Afternoon Lecture & Lab
  Wed. Lab  

Design / Imaging : Theory

Design Topics - Evolution of Fonts / Type Fundamentals

Assignment: Submit Project descriptions - begin porfolio design.


Afternoon Lecture and Disscussion


Photoshop for Windows & Macintosh; A Visual Quickstart Guide.
Best Practicies - File Formats - Color Theory - Resolution Basics - Chpts. 2 and 22
Advanced - Layers - Masks - Chpts 14-17

Week 2

Technical: Layers and Layer Masks: Clipping / Blending Options
Channels - Optimization - Color Palettes

Assignment: Lessons 10 & 11 Classroom in a book. Assignment: Lesson 13 Classroom in a Book
  Tues. Technical: Slices, Rollovers, Animation and Batch processing Assignment: Lessons 14 & 15 Classroom in a Book


Finish up Lessons 13,14 & 15
  Thurs. Design / Imaging : Theory Design Topics - Hierarchy - Order

Assignment: Porfolio continues... review and edit. Submit Proof Prints and Site elements.


Afternoon Lecture and Disscussion


Photoshop for Windows & Macintosh; A Visual Quickstart Guide.
Print - Chapter 22 pgs 407-411, 416
Web - Chapter 23 pgs 461 - 494

Week 3

Epson 9600 print setup and proof.
Continue with Image Ready.

Discuss Industrial Period Design - time permitting.

Review : Title print and screens



Design / Imaging : Theory

Design Topics - Contrast and Texture- Depth - Geometry
Afternoon Lecture and Disscussion
  Wed. Lab:  
  Thurs Lab: Final: Submit and present - Print and Online Portfolio