This was a great assignment in exposure.  Since I first got my camera a couple of years ago I noticed that it tended to overexpose in auto so I always set the exposure to underexpose by .3 or .7.  The beauty of this assignment for me is now I know much more about the best settings to use in order to get the correct exposure.

I set the ISO to 100, used a tripod, and took a bright outside photo of a tree.  Like I suspected the neutral exposure was a little over exposed and the .3 to 1 were very overexposed.  As far as the underexposed went I think the .7 was the best.  This is what I usually use with this particular camera.  I thought that in the 1 the background trees were a little too dark and the .7 brought back some of their color.

Exp 1    Exp 2    Exp 3    Exp 4

 f-8.0, 1-125, ISO 100- Exp Neutral             f-8.0, 1-125, ISO 100- Exp  +.3                  f-7.1, 1-100, ISO 100- Exp +.7                 f-7.0, 1-80, ISO 100- Exp +1

Exp 5    Exp 6    Exp 7 

     f-8.0, 1-125, ISO 100- Exp  -.3                 f-9.0, 1-160, ISO 100- Exp -.7                  f-10.0, 1-200, ISO 100- Exp -1

The ABE is a really nice feature.  I set the three stops to -1, neutral, and +1.  The exposure was as expected but I didn’t know you could do this and I see great advantages when you are trying to capture the same shot but don’t have time to keep changing the exposure setting.  I think though instead of using -1 and +1 I will use -.7 and +.7 with my camera.

Exp 8    Exp 9    Exp 10

 f-8.0, 1-125, ISO 100- Exp  Neutral             f-10.0, 1-160, ISO 100- Exp -1                f-7.1, 1-80, ISO 100- Exp  +1

I think I got the best shots with manual exposure.  I was able to get the green in the tree without the sun overexposing the background using f/5.6 and 1/400 with ISO at 100.  I also tried f/5.6 and 1/800 which was too dark.  I also took a couple of shots with the shutter speed at 1/125 and different f stops but they didn’t turn out as well.


 f-5.6, 1-400, ISO 100- Exp  Neutral

The Auto Exposure Lock in P mode was the most difficult.  It only lasts for 4 seconds and I felt like I didn’t have enough time to set the exposure before it went back to automatic.  I can see where this would be very valuable in shooting a large landscape for a panorama and you want to keep the lighting the same.