Usually, when I'm taking photos with my friends when we're just hanging out in the city or going on a hike I shoot in manual mode and just use the EV method. This allows me to set my exposure for a specific lighting situation so I only have to adjust it if I'm pointing it right at the sun or shoot into a shadow. I like this because it doesn't look you into taking three pictures like the ABE method does. When I'm taking product photography or photos of a specific subject like a photo shoot of some sort, I like the options that ABE give you. It's great when you're trying to get the best possible photo of a stationary subject, but if you're subject is moving around and you've only got one chance to get the shot, EV is what i prefer. The Auto Exposure Lock in Program mode doesn't make you take three photos like ABE, but it does make you reset your white balance for the situation that you're shooting so split second photos are still harder to capture.


Neutral Exposure:


-1/3 Stop Exposure:

+1/3 Stop Exposure:

-2/3 Stop Exposure:

+2/3 Stop Exposure:

-1 Stop Exposure:

+1 Stop Exposure: