I found this shooting assignment to be especially interesting and fun.  I used my daughter’s little dog, who likes to run, as a subject.  I left the ISO at 100 for all the shots and realized later that I probably should have put it on auto because towards the end the pictures got dark.  The camera was mounted on a tripod so I wouldn’t have any body shake to interfere with the assignment.  The mode dial was set to TV so I could control the shutter speed but the aperture would adjust for a better shot.   I started out with the speed at 1/15 and shot several times as the dog ran towards me.  Then I moved up the speed and ended up choosing 1/15, 1/25, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/200, 1/250, 1/800 as my best shots.  The 1/1600 was way too dark.  It was amazing to me to see the dog change from completely blurry to a clear stop motion.  I had a problem getting the background to blur so I followed the exact exposure in an example in the book and used some moving flowers.  That seemed to work better to get a background blur but I’m going to need more practice to get a better shot.


       f_ 22, 1_15, ISO 100                  f_ 13, 1_25, ISO 100                          f_13, 1_30, ISO 100                      f_7.1, 1_60, ISO 100


    f_5.6, 1_125, ISO 100                   f_5.6, 1_200, ISO 100                   f_6.1, 1_250, ISO 100                   f_5.6, 1_800, ISO 100

      f_9.0, 1_60, ISO 100