Monday, December 15, 2003

Today is our last day.....YEAH!! Congrats to everyone for getting through the semester. Everyone made some great artwork and web pages. I'll be keeping my website updated regularly, so make sure to check back at
I plan to make new graphics, wallpapers for peoples desktops, animated gifs and scan my drawings from my sketchbooks. Its been great getting to know all of you and maybe I will see you guys around next semester! Have a great winter break!!
~Amy aka Madisoid
Hi, this is Chris. I just wanted to say that I enjoyed being in a class with you guys. You all had some nice artwork. Hopefully you continue to make art, whether for fun or professionally, because you have talent.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

If anyone wants to find anime reiviews, info on series, DVD release dates etc I wold check out! I really trust the people on this site...they know their stuff. If you are a fan of Miyazaki films he is greating a couple new ones. You can check them out on that site as well.

~Madisoid :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Last semester I did an internship with regents communications in chico. I worked in the promotions department and did a lot of live broadcasts and station promotions around the Chico area. I was suprized to learn how much computer and computer graphics layed a part in a radio station. Almost al of our oline graphics were taken from the internet and modified with photoshop and posted on our station websites. A lot of the time we would sell add space on our websites or give station sponsors a free link from our staion websites. When ever we need to get another advertizers logo we wuld copy it off of their website and re-scale it to fit our own. It really suprises me how much computers an effect different fields and how inter-related everything can be.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

I have a BA in Art from 100 years ago (1970). I worked at several jobs as a commercial artist. Then I became fascinated with humanistic psychology and ended up becoming a therapist. I thought that my art background helped me as a therapist, because both focus on seeing things from different perspectives. Now I'm exploring the digital side of art. I have found that, even if people use the same material, what they create is unique in that it reflects their unique view. It could be "bad" art, or not particularly creative, but it is still unique. Once again, my experience in one field informs the other. As I worked with people, I never ceased to marvel at how unique each one's view of life, events, etc. was.

Friday, October 10, 2003

"One should use the camera as though tomorrow you'd be stricken blind."
Dorothea Lange http//
"The good photograph is not the object, the consequences of the photograph are the objects.[objectives] So that no-one would say, how did you do it, where did you find it, but that such things could be."
And most of all question all.

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Think about past experiences with art works - how has the emergence / evolution of the network / internet impacted your experience with art.

Has it opened you up to a wider variety of work, multi-cultural, new media, etc...?

Are your experiences more intimate/impersonal?

Do you have a collection of work or links to works that represent your personal tastes in art?

How has the emergence of digital technologies affected your definition of "art"?

Any impact... ?

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Plagiarism: an opportunity to explore new ideas and creative directions; an opportunity to move in new directions; a compliment to an artists work and style. The whole idea behind art and being a student is to explore new ideas and techniques. Look beyond the obvious and push it into a new direction. And most of all laugh at those who cannot see what is possible, for you can always come up with something new. Take your neighbors work and rework it into something new, deconstruct it, put it back together, see if you can see what they are thinking, does it make you think? Can you make them think of your work in new and different ways?

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