Sometimes I just get an idea in my head that I can't let go of and despite the fact that I can't seem to make it worth producing - it needs to come out anyway. This was one of those moments and here are three attempts at making it worth it...
Hooey and a dragon
Now, this is the story of the battle between the little cloud and the dragon, Sounds scary
but, it's not. It is after all a story regarding a big bunch of hooey. Well actually, two bunches
of hooey; one little, one large. Hooey as you may recall is air. Once upon a time there was
a lonely little glob of hooey which formed just over the town of Sebastopol California. It was
a lonely little concentration dwarfed against a big blue sky. Another formation, which formed
a little later in the story was a much larger concentration and it formed in the shape of a very
large dragon. Staring up at the big blue sky with the one lonely little cloud pursued as it were
by a large elongated dragon across the horizon is a most dramatic interpretation of course
but, in fact was what occurred.

Once upon a time there formed a small little puff of altocumulous against the big blue sky.
All alone it floated for quite awhile.
Not so suddenly, along came another formation of cirrus in the shape of a dragon.
The dragon pursued the little puff for another while.
Eventually the puff was erased by the dragon, mostly likely it was eaten.
Sad but true. The end.

Documentation follows: