bASE.ARTS projects_____________ |
the clearing ] by George Legrady An interactive computer artwork that explores the constructionof meaning through the language of the Western news representation of the Bosnian conflict. With the assistance of the mouse, viewers explore the surface of a moving hunting photograph to scan a range of topics on Bosnia. They can choose 30 categories to examine news quotes set against the photograph. Different points of view are identified through color coding: the Bosnian Muslims, the Serbs and outside news commentaries. The viewer's experience of information search through this computer program interface is designed to reveal the traces of vision technologies' origins in military and medical applications - a particular kind of seeing that can be described as "search and destroy" or "hold still while I examine." By situating the Bosnian conflict into the familiar game format, real world content is introduced into a form generally not known for its criticality. This allows for a creative exploration of alternative ways in which information can be disseminated and retrieved from databases. Produced by bASE.ARTS. |
Anecdoted Archive from the Cold Warby George Legrady
Produced by HyperReal Media Productions. |
From the Annotated Self by Sammy Cucher These images are from "The Annotated Self," a project that includes three separate photographic series dealing with issues of consciousness, psychological identity and memory. The source for the images in the "Cultures" series are photographs of doodles drawn on the margins of notebooks, day planners, post-its and scattered notepads. Drawn mostly while on the phone and without any artistic intention, they constitute a sort of automatic writing. The doodles are distilled from an unconscious creative urge which, as I see it, is linked to the basic biological process that enables the evolution of life. -Sammy Cucher |
Pricing: [the clearing] - George Legrady $45.00
Inspanidual / $65.00 Institution ----- An Anecdoted Archive from the Cold War - George Legrady $65.00
Inspanidual / $120.00 Institution ----- Cultures from the Annotated Self - Sammy Cucher $15.00
----- All orders add $2.50 Shipping and Handling. California residents add local sales tax.
rev. 11/14