Syllabus Overview - Expectations, Requirements, Objectives,
Best Practices.
Department and Facilities Policy Review and Tour
Begin fundamentals of visual phenomenology
Camera Obscura
Camera Lucida
Camera Fundamentals
Assignments: Sketchbooks
View Finders
- Active Seeing
ArtTalk -
Chapt.1 - Percieving and Function of Art
Oatmeal Box Pinhole Photography by Stew Woodruff
- How to Make and Take Pictures With Pinhole Cameras Made from Oatmeal Boxes http://users.rcn.com/stewoody/
Week 4
Beginning Darkroom
Best Practices
Pinhole | First Exposures
Focus on Photo - Chapt. 1 - Photographies Origins
Animated sequence of a race horse galloping. Photos taken byEadweard Muybridge. The horse's body demonstrates squash and stretch in natural musculature.
Develop Pinhole : First exposuresand Contact Print -----
Photograms - object compositions - 10 pnts
Consider an assortment of objects that you would like to construct 3-5 compositions with ... translucent and reflective objects make for interesting shadow and outlines, light streaks etc...
Photography and Short Course Mounting Descriptions and process. Horenstein Basics - Mounting
Margaret Bourke-White
Yosuf Karsh
Week 13
Equivalency Bracketing - 2nd Rolls - D.O.F. - Depth of Field - last 15
- Due Nov. 22
- Develop
- Exposure Sheet
- Contact Sheet
Photograph Research Project - 50 pnts.
Photographer with approval
Thesis and Quote
Oral Presentations - Begin 10.21
Term Paper - Due Monday 10.29
Lee Friedlander
Duane Michaels
Mary Ellen Mark
The Lomographic Society - http://www.lomography.com/ http://www.lomography.com/about/ Welcome dear photo-adventurer. you are just about to discover the most interactiv,
vivid, blurred and crazy face of photography worldwide. we heartily and most
warmly invite you to dive into our unique online photo-features, to taste our
cameras and -most of all- to become a lomographer. help us to simply build the
biggest snapshot portrait of our planet and to revolutionize the picture communication
from the hip. prost.
Pushing Film allows you to shoot in lower light situations.
This solution essentially fools the light meter by setting it at a
higher ISO or ASA rating and then overdeveloping the film in
order to compensate for the underexposure.
Although your experiences may vary somewhat - here is a good starting base for pushing:
400 ASA pushed to 800 ASA - 50% overdevelopment - 10 minutes normal development time = 15 minutes.
400 ASA pushed to 1600 ASA - 100% overdevelopment - 10 minutes normal development time = 20 minutes.
Week 13
Lecture / Lab / Assignments:
Artists: John Baldessari Sherry Levine Richard Prince Annie Liebovitz
Week 14
Lecture / Lab / Assignments:
Aziz and Cucher
Michael Light
Regan Louie
Week 15
Lecture / Lab / Assignments:
Artists: Dieter
Uta Barth
Thanksgiving Break 11.25-29
First Semester Assignments:
1st Rolls - 10 pnts - Home / Self Portrait / Bracketing
Due end of 1st Qtr.
Shoot - Develop - Exposure Sheet (pink)- Contact
DOF - (depth of field) Print - 25 pnts.
Select w/approval from
Proof / Print
Includes Artists Statement and Print Evaluation form for each.
--------------------- 1st Quarter :
Pinhole - 3 Negatives / 3 Positives - 20 pnts
Photograms - 6-8 objects in 3 compositions - 10 pnts
Consider an assortment of objects that you would like to construct 3 compositions with ... translucent and reflective objects make for interesting shadow and outlines, light streaks etc...Finals mounted and sleeved.
Photo from Photo History - (Phaidon Photo Book) - Paper 5 pnts / Presentation - 3 pnts
Analyse and present one photograph from the book. Detail photograph title, dimensions, medium, photographer. Summarize Content and Context of the image / Biography of the photographer. - 480 word minimum
Self Portrait - (final pinhole) - 10 pnts
Working with a partner create a pinhole self portrait negative and produce a contact print final. Mount and sleeve final positive.
Depth of Field : Macro - shallow range / Distance - extended range- 10 pnts --------------- - Develop
- Contact
- Print
- Eval Form
Personal Works - Students continue to develop your printing skills working through personal images made on rolls 1-4.
Artists Statements
Lecture / Lab / Assignments:
Alternative Printing Techniques | Darkroom Experimentation - An alternative process print(s) or series are due for use in the Spring Showcase. Working from the classroom resources provide please choose one alternative approach to darkroom printing and produce 1 print for your portfolio.
Personal Works - Students continue to develop your printing skills working through personal images made on rolls 1-4. Due for use in Spring Showcase.
Artists Statements for all prints.
- Mount and bag -
Field Trip :
Pier 24 - January 24 7:45-3pm - NEED PARENT CHAPERONES
STREET PHOTOGRAPHY -From SF Field Trip Prints for Showcase Presentation
Mary Ellen Mark
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Robert Frank
Elliott Erwitt
Danny Lyons
Gary Winogrand
Diado Moriyama
Joel Meyerwitz
James Nachtwey http://www.jamesnachtwey.com/
Hank Wessel
Bruce Gilden
INSIDE / OUT - JR working from our AQ Theme - ... from the inside out
Create up to 3 portraits of significant individuals who have influenced you from your inside out...
Sketchbook - weekly 3 materials reviews - Due Friday's
Artists: Nan Goldin Richard Misrach Mark Klett
Lecture / Lab / Assignments: STREET PHOTOGRAPHY Final Prints
Working Assumptions : Wrk X Fmly Final Prints / Scans / Captions
Research Project - Photographic Field Research with approval
Presentations Continue...
Preparations for Showcase
Sketchbook - weekly 3 materials reviews - Due Friday's
Spring Break - March 14-22
Pablo Ortiz Monesterio
Sophie Calle
Preparations Spring Showcase Exhibit Design/Sequence/Hanging Assignments:
Working Assumptions : Wrk X Fmly Final Prints
Artists Statements
Research Project- Photographic Field with approval
Presentations Continue...
Personal Works - Students continue to develop your printing skills working through personal images made on rolls 1-4.
Artists Statements Showcase - DATE TBD
Self Portrait Revised (35mm)
Utilizing the self timer, cable releaseand tripod create a self portrait revision for the spring. What is the context for the image of your self? what does it reveal about you or this time in your life?
Select w/approval from
Proof / Print
Includes Artists Statement and Print Evaluation form.
Research Project- Photographic Field with approval
Presentations Continue...
all Oral Presentations
Assignments :
Analogue to Digital - transitional work flow- scanning negative sheets
THE ALTERED BOOK - Borrowing from VFA Showcase
Darkroom Experimentation - An Alternative Process Print. Working from the classroom resources provide please choose one alternative approach to darkroom printing and produce 1 print for your portfolio.
- Mount and bag -
Personal Works - Students continue to develop your printing skills working through personal images made on rolls 1-4.
STUDIO Portrait --- Final Portfolio - We will create portfolios for mounted images for transport - Please retain and maintain for return in the Fall. Final Binder- Compile all negatives, contacts, condition reports and print evalutions.
Preparations for the Fall 19-20 AQ Photo Program
Digital Camera - a digital camera is required for Intermediate Photo. Begin process to get your hands on one. If you have one - summer reading is your camera manual-cover to cover.
Home Computer System w/ Graphics Software - a home computer system with graphics editing software although not required is highly recommended. If you have one spend the summer orienting yourself to use of the system and the software. Make a few collages with existing digital images or downloads.
Base Model Apple:
2.3GHz Dual-Core Processor with Turbo Boost up to 3.6GHz
1TB Storage