Photography Location: Class
Schedule: Instructor: John Sappington - |
Syllabus (this page): DESCRIPTION: Topics
and Scope: Assignments: Recommended Technical Texts: Alternate
Technical Texts: Students are required to obtain backup media to store class example files and work in progress. Optional media types are: - 100MB/250 Mb Zip disks - CD ROM/DVD-R, Write-once or Re Writable: Approx. capacity 700+MB - Flash cards, memory sticks, etc.. Students are also required to have an e-mail account. This can be accessed through the lab and may be a free account like those available from Hotmail, Yahoo, Freemail, Excite, etc. The instructor will assist students in obtaining an e-mail account if necessary. Students will be expected to check this e-mail account at least twice a week. General class announcements will be reported via e-mail. EVALUATION: 20% of student grades will be based on class participation. Students must attend class in order to effectively participate. 70% of student grades will be based on the completion of assignments. These assignments will not be graded for skill or content, but will be evaluated for technical completion. 10% of the student grade will be determined by the final portfolio presentation. ATTENDANCE POLICY:Students are expected to attend all of every class meeting unless they have received prior permission from the instructor. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class meeting. Anyone absent when attendance is taken will be assumed absent from the class. If you are late to class it is your responsibility to make sure your attendance is acknowledged by talking to the instructor. If
you are intending to drop the class, please notify the instructor. You
should not assume that the instructor will automatically drop you because
of absences. If you stop attending classes and you do not
drop the class, and the instructor has not dropped you from the class;
the instructor may be required to give you a grade of F for the class. It shall be the policy of the Sonoma County Junior College District to maintain an attendance policy and procedures consistent with State and local requirements. 1.0 Attendance 1.1 Students are expected to attend all sessions of the course in which they are enrolled. 1.2 Any student with excessive absences may be dropped from the class. 2.0 Excessive Absence Defined 2.1 A student may be dropped from any class when that student’s absences exceed ten percent (10%) of the total hours of class time. 2.2 Instructors shall state in each course syllabus what constitutes excessive absence for that course. 3.0 Excused vs. Unexcused absences 3.1 Unless state or federal law requires that the absence be deemed excused, no instructor shall be required to make a distinction between excused and unexcused absences. 3.2 If individual Instructors wish to distinguish between excused and unexcused absences the instructor shall state in each course syllabus all criteria for any excused absences in addition to those required by state or federal law. 4.0 Nonattendance 4.1 Students who fail to attend the first two class meetings of a full semester course may be dropped by the instructor. 4.2 Faculty are required to drop all No-Show students by the Census Date of each census course. A No-Show is an enrolled student who has not attended any class meeting of the course at any time, or who has not contacted the instructor to make arrangements to remain enrolled in the course. Policy 8.15, Revised July 10, 2007
Digital Photography Schedule (subject to change) |
Resources |
Week 1 | Syllabus Overview Expectations, Requirements, Objectives, Best Practices. |
Sites: Northbay Photo Supply (Santa Rosa, based photo supply) location map Freestyle Photographic Supplies B and H Photo Video ------------------------------------------------------------- Masters of Photography - Good starter site for Analogue Masters Lomographic
Society |
Week 2 |
Lecture: |
Lab: Feel free to experiment, try to find the lowest level of light possible
to render a readable image. |
Artists: Haines
Gallery Tel: 415-397-8114 Tuesday - Friday 10:30am - 5:30pm Saturday 10:30am - 5:00pm
Week 3 | Lecture: Camera Basics
Lab First File Transfers Assignment: Review Low Light Images --- Objects for Scanning - 3 Dimensional Objects as well as prints or flat art that you may want to digitize. Review Historical Photograms/Montage works: Photograms and Montage Samples |
Sites: |
Week 4 | Lab: 1st exposure according to meter reading.
Discussion: |
Week 5 | Lecture: Photoshop:
Lab: |
Week 6 |
09.24.-26.07 | Lecture
PS Best Practice #1 - Duplicate the pixel based background layer
as first step on opening a .jpeg. |
Lab: |
Week 7 |
09.01-03.07 | Lecture
Lab: Finish First Critiques |
Artists: |
Week 8 |
Mid Term Interviews: Evaluation
Form <--click here Photoshop:
Artists: William Klein Lorna Simpson Richard Prince Reading: |
Week 9 |
The lab will be open and available - between students /no shows, I will be available to work with you if you are having any problems with Photoshop, etc... |
Week 10 |
Lecture: Composition |
Assignment: 5 prints - 5 pnts. - 8x10 minimum Added Assignment: Subject explorations / Framing exercise. Shoot a minimum
of 20 images of a single subject from every angle and a variety of
compositional arrangements. |
Discussion: |
Week 11 | 10.29-31.07 | Lecture:
Photoshop: Printing
Surface/Finish Texture Color Weight
Lab: Printing Demonstration - Epson R1800 / 1280 Printer Drivers |
Device/Paper Profiles - additional resources New site: Color Field Guide - how to install and apply Epson's ICC Profile Guide Red River Paper -How to Install and apply profiles.Epson(PC) Red River Color Profiles -How to Epson(MAC) Sites: Urban
Digtial Color (SF, printer) Lenny Eiger |
Week 12 |
11.05-07.07 | Lecture
- Utilizing Ambient Light Photoflex - Lighting Resources Catalogue and Lessons
Assignment: |
Artists: |
Veterans Day Holiday - Monday Nov. 12 NO Class |
Week 13 |
11.14.07 | Lecture: |
Lab: Printing |
Additional Printing Resources: |
Week 14 |
11.19.07 | Lecture
Lab Printing contin... Printer Profile File Names: profilenames |
PDA Flex Nov.21 |
Week 15 | 11.26-28.07 | Lecture:
Lab |
Sharing Compliments of Dennis De Naut:
Week 16 | 12.03-05.07 | Lecture:
Protecting your images |
Lab Critiques contine through to the 12.12... |
Reading: Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that offers flexible copyright licenses for creative works. Electronic
Frontier Foundation The
Free Expression Policy Project Artists: Sites: |
Week 17 | 12.10-12.07 | LAB | |
Wikipedia entry regarding model release/liability waivers for subjects in a photograph. Example Model Release Forms - my boilerplate examples release examples.txt Dan Heller's very wording primer regarding the release. (who is Dan Heller? Photo District News Online Business/Legal Section |
Week 18 | 12.17.07 | Final Critique |
Presentations of selections from individual portfolios 10-20 images. = 10 pnts Final Exam is here --> TEST |